If this is an emergency please dial 911
To schedule an appointment to see one of our Neurologists at any of our convenient office locations, please call 801-763-0901.
Neurological Associates | Phone: (801) 763-0901 Fax: (801) 763-0903
Scheduling | Phone: (801) 763-0901 ext. 106 Fax: (801) 763-0903
Botox Scheduling | Phone: (801) 763-0901 ext. 107 Fax: (801) 763-0903
EMG/Nerve Conduction Studies | Phone: (801) 465-6911 Fax: (801) 465-1617
EEG Dept. | Phone: (801) 763-0901 ext. 204 Fax: (801) 669-5801
Medical Records | Phone (801) 763-0901 ext. 111 Fax: (801) 763-0902
Billing Dept. |Phone: (801) 216-8206 Fax: (801) 763-0903
Business Office | Phone: (801) 763-0901 ext. 210 Fax: (801) 763-0903